Passwordbox data usage
Passwordbox data usage

passwordbox data usage passwordbox data usage

25 public static readonly DependencyProperty PasswordProperty =Ģ6 DependencyProperty.Register( " Password ", typeof( string), typeof(MainWindow), new PropertyMetadata( "" )) ģ4 35 private void Button_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)ģ7 // tbl.Text = password 38 tbl.Text = PasswordBoxHelper.GetPassword(pwd) Ħ 7 public static class PasswordBoxHelperĩ 10 public static readonly DependencyProperty PasswordProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( " Password ", typeof( string), typeof (PasswordBoxHelper),ġ1 new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( string. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc. To achieve this purpose, we can use additional Attribute to realize the binding of Password property of PasswordBox.ġ) Define a PasswordBoxHelper class, and define three additional properties of PasswordProperty, AttachProperty and IsUpdatingProperty and the corresponding property change events in the class Ģ) Add the PasswordChanged event handler of PasswordBox to the OnAttachPropert圜hanged event of AttachProperty, so that when a password is entered in the PasswordBox control, it will trigger the PasswordChanged event handler in the PasswordBoxHelper class ģ) When the PasswordChanged event processing function is executed, the information in the control is assigned to the dependent property PasswordProperty in the PasswordBoxHelper class ĥ /// 6 /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xamlħ /// 8 public partial class MainWindow: Windowġ6 // } 17 18 public string Password // Dependent properties have the ability to automatically notify, and there is no need to implement INotifi interface 19 Ģ3 24 // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Password. In MVVM mode, the binding of the foreground and the background is often required. The Password property of the control PasswordBox is not a dependent property, and cannot be used as the target of binding to bind to the background data. As we all know, the source of the binding can be either a dependency property or a normal CLR property, and the target of the binding can only be a dependency property.

Passwordbox data usage